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Lancewood Milk Tart
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Milk Tart


1 roll puff pastry , defrosted
75 ml cake flour
50 ml corn flour
50 ml castor sugar
salt , a pinch
125 ml milk
2 extra large egg(s) , separated
60 ml sugar
5 ml vanilla essence
250 g LANCEWOOD® Mascarpone
310 ml milk
ground cinnamon


Preheat the oven to 230°C. Line a 25 cm x 5 cm deep pie dish with the pastry. Refrigerate until needed.

Mix the cake flour, corn flour, castor sugar, salt and milk together until smooth. Push through a sieve to get rid of any lumps. In a separate bowl, mix the egg yolks, half of the sugar and the vanilla essence together and set aside.

Add the mascarpone and milk to a pot and stir over medium heat until the mascarpone has melted into the milk. Meanwhile, beat the egg whites and the remaining sugar together until soft peaks form.

Add the mascarpone mixture to the flour mixture and mix until well combined. Return the combined mixture to the heat and stir until thick. Pour into a mixing bowl and stir in the egg yolk mixture. Gently fold in the egg whites.

Pour into the prepared pastry shell and bake for 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and lower the heat to 190°C. Cover loosely with foil and bake for a further 10 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 5 more minutes.

Remove from oven and leave to cool. Sprinkle cinnamon over once cooled and enjoy!

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