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Flat Croissant 2-ways
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Flat Croissant 2-ways


4 croissants
30 ml butter


Gourmet ham & cheese croissant:

120 ml LANCEWOOD® Medium Fat Smokey Onion & Mustard Cream Cheese
3 smoked ham  slices
60 ml LANCEWOOD® Cheddar , grated
baby spinach , a handful

Breakfast croissant:

2 large eggs
salt & freshly ground black pepper
15 ml butter
120 ml LANCEWOOD® Medium Fat Spring Onion & Chives Cream Cheese
Crispy bacon , 3 rashers
half an avocado  , sliced


Flatten the croissants using a rolling pin.

Melt the butter over medium heat and fry the croissants until crispy and golden for 30 seconds per side. Use a spatula to press the croissants down while frying.

Gourmet ham & cheese croissant:
Spread a generous amount of cream cheese on top of 2 flattened croissants.

Top one croissant with ham, cheese and baby spinach leaves.

Close with the other croissant and slice in half.

Breakfast croissant:
Beat the eggs and season to taste.

Melt the butter in a frying pan and scramble the eggs.

Spread a generous amount of cream cheese on top of the remaining 2 croissant2.

Top one croissant with crispy bacon, scrambled eggs and the avocado slices.

Close with the other croissant and slice in half.

Enjoy as a delicious lunch or tasty breakfast!

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