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Recipe Book

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Create and personalise your own Recipe Book and keep all your favourites in one place. You can easily categorise your recipes, share them with your friends and family and transform them into printable shopping lists.

Get started by creating a Recipe Book.

You have the maximum amount of Recipe Books

It will be added to your list of recipe books below.

Edit or delete one of your existing recipe books.

Then, add chapters to your Recipe Book by clicking the icon in the top right corner.



My First Recipe Book


From quick and easy dinner winners to braai snacks and delicious desserts, group your recipes with ease by adding Chapters to your Recipe Book.
Chapters allow you to sort and save your recipes for quick access.

First, create a Chapter.

You have the maximum amount of chapters in this Recipe Book

Create a new chapter within your recipe book.

Edit or delete one of your existing chapters.

Then, add your favourite recipes to each Chapter by clicking on the icon in the top right corner.

Add recipes to your chapters by clicking on the plus icon in the top right corner.



Share with friends and family so that they too can create their own Recipe Book.